Dear Central Members & Friends,
I hope this weekly note finds you and your family doing well!! If your week is like mine, it has been extremely busy. I am in D.C. this week returning home on Friday. However, as I was engaged in my morning devotion God impressed on my heart in this note to think about how we approach Him!! We have noble intentions in our prayers and devotions as people, but often what we pray about is all related to our desires for ourselves and what we want for other people.
Most of our prayers center around God helping us, our family, friends and intercessory prayers for others. Very little of our devotional time is centered on asking God what He desires of us. If we shift our devotional focus to spending more time listening to God and asking Him what he desires of us, you will be amazed at what you will learn from God as He speaks to us through His Holy Word and the extra sensitivity and insight you will gain from being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
I would like you to ask God three questions about yourself for the next several weeks and you will be amazed at what you will learn about yourself as God speaks to your heart.
Here are the three questions:
1. God, can you completely trust me to obey you? If not, what am I doing that I need to change??
2. God, as your servant, what do I need to do in order to enhance my relationship with you and please you more??
3. God, how can I become a greater blessing to others in my family and community??
Taking the time to hear from God about the three questions above will have a transformational impact on your life if you are honest and courageous enough to listen carefully to God’s instructions and obey Him.
Let’s go on this journey together of listening to God and discovering new areas of our lives in which we need to enhance our relationship with the Holy Father. Enoch comes to mind for me as a biblical character who is someone that had such a rich relationship with God that our Heavenly Father did not allow him to taste death but took him to heaven. Now we are unlikely to walk with God like Enoch did, however, we all have the opportunity to enhance our relationship with the Heavenly Father by being someone He can trust to obey Him!!
Let’s start this week on enhancing our relationship with the Heavenly Father as you are aware “Relationships Matter” !!!!!!!
Grace & Shalom!!!!
Pastor Perry Stuckey