Dear Central Members & Global Friends,
I pray your New Year is off to an excellent start and you are staying focused and spiritually centered on what really matters!! Staying centered and spiritually focused requires effort and dedication. For me this means getting up early and spending appropriate time at the start of my morning in communion with God so the Holy Spirit can order my steps throughout the day. If you are like me, I need to be focused right from the very start of the day. Otherwise, I find myself being driven by the agenda of the day, which is often the source of a lot of our personal frustrations in life.
I started a new sermon series which is our theme as a church for 2020 “Family Matters”. Families are the foundation of the Christian life and God took a special interest in ensuring families were given a solid foundation starting with Adam and Eve in the garden. He granted them dominion over every creature and instructed them to be fruitful and multiply.
Satan recognized this special privilege and has waged a war on the family to disrupt our relationship with God. We must remain vigilant and alert as Christians to ensure we don’t become a casualty of Satan’s destructive influences on our families. Remember he is a crafty enemy of God and we can’t defeat him in our own strength!!
God selected us before the foundation of the world and adopted us into the family of God through His Son Jesus Christ and granted us the rights and privileges of heaven as adopted children. God made these provisions for us and bestowed His unmerited favor on us before we were born. The unfortunate tragedy is that many of us behave more like orphans instead of adopted sons and daughters of the King!!
As we unpack this new sermon series it is my sincere prayer and desire that you will become more enlightened about who you really are as a child of God and walk in the light and the privileges you have as sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
May you be inspired and encouraged by the sermon outline and PowerPoint slides from the introduction of this sermon series on “Family Matters!!”
Your Servant In Christ!!
Pastor Perry Stuckey