Series: Worship | Dear Central Members & Friends,
As I send this note to you this afternoon, my heart is saddened by another mass shooting in our nation. This one occurred in Las Vegas, and given the number of people that were killed, will go on record as being the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history!!
These incidents remind us constantly about the times we are living in!! I pray for you constantly and hope you continue to utilize appropriate precautions during your travel and leisure activities.
As you take a moment this week to reflect on Part 3 of our Sermon Series on Worship, I hope you rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you this upcoming week and put into practice the essential spiritual things that will enhance your walk with God and help you become the woman or man of God that you were destined to be!!!
Please utilize the attached slide deck during your personal devotional time this week to gain additional insights and allow God to speak to your “Heart” as you implement these essential truths in your daily walk!! Grace & Shalom!!
Pastor Perry
Worship Series Part III – Worship As A Lifestyle
Worship Series Part III: Worship As A Lifestyle