Dear Central Members and Friends,
We have covered a lot of material over the last several months related to our series on Modeling Grace & Witnessing. I hope you have created an electronic file or manual file to refer back to these critical lessons for additional insight during your personal study and devotional time to be an even more effective leader and witness for our Lord and Savior.
I want to apologize for the volume of information that I shared during our Sunday service. I typically don’t do this but I packed two lessons into one on Sunday for several reasons. These reasons are highlighted below:
- I want to devote the balance of my attention for March and April preparing for “Resurrection Sunday!”
- The above reason requires me to break away from our series on witnessing and I wanted you to have this critical biblical information now to better prepare and do your own personal study & devotional on witnessing and modeling grace while allowing God to speak to your heart as we approach “Resurrection Sunday”.
- I want you to utilize the attached lesson outline and PowerPoint slide to create your own personal bible study and utilize the material in small group studies with your family and others.
We become more effective leaders when we teach the material we study and learn. The greatest sermons are the ones we see and not the ones we hear. I admonish and encourage you to become a sermon that people see on a daily basis.
Allow me to take a moment and share where we will go from here during our Sunday sermons and study time and give you some insight into a few things that are not listed on the calendar. I will come back to our “Witnessing Series” after our celebration of “Resurrection Sunday.” We have completed Four Segments of what will be an Eight part Segment on Witnessing. Our Media and Digital Ministry Team will put the entire series on CD. This is something you may want to consider acquiring. Additionally, we will be uploading the sermon notes and PowerPoint slides to our church web-site and you will be able to download the material there as well very soon..
Our Strategic Planning team will be meeting in late April to continue our visioning work and evaluation of existing ministries to ensure we become even more effective at what we do to give God and our community our very best. God has impress upon me to start and ensure a very effective Evangelistic Outreach ministry to the unchurched in our community that includes transportation services to our church services. This is something you will be hearing more about in May as I discuss the details with our church leadership team during the month of April.
Finally, we will be dedicating the entire Month of April on Wednesday night Bible Study to our Leadership Accountability Series. This is where we will bring in outside experts each week to discuss things like Family Estate Planning, Funeral Planning & Arrangements, Retirement Planning, Legal & Audit requirements for church leaders & Trustees, and other critical and essential things that help us to become well-rounded and balanced as Christians.
I want to take a moment in this note to thank all of you who took the time to complete the evaluation form on me. I will be sharing this feedback and the areas you highlighted for me to improve during one of our upcoming Wednesday night bible studies.
I pray like me you are focused on how you can become even more effective in the service of the Lord and to His People which should be the ultimate focus of all Servant Leaders!!
Your Brother In Christ!!
Grace & Shalom!!
Pastor Perry Stuckey