
The Importance of Healthy Relationships

Dear Central Members & Friends,

Last night we had a great time in bible study and a candid dialogue about the importance of  building “Healthy Relationships” and the impact that unhealthy relationships have on our ability to truly worship God in Spirit and Truth. In order to truly capture the essence and all the spiritual benefits you need to be present in regular bible study attendance on Wednesday night. This way you will make the study of God’s Word a priority in your life. You will be amazed at your growth by putting into practice what is being taught.

Allow me to give you a brief re-cap of our study last night and please spend quality time reviewing the slide deck and the scripture we discussed during your private personal devotional time with God.

We started last night by examining the question to Jesus by a Jewish religious expert in Matthew 22:36 and looked at the reply Jesus gave him. Jesus revealed to him in verse 37-40 that after loving God with our entire heart, soul and might that loving our neighbor next was the greatest and most important of all the commandments. This means that truly having a healthy relationship with people and genuinely loving them is essential to a successful walk with God!! After this we examined our text  and started with Colossians 3:1-17and looked at the prescription Paul gave the church at Colossae for building and keeping healthy relationships with people.

I concluded our study last night by giving out a homework assignment, asking our attendees to focus on building healthy relationship for the next 7 days by saying nothing negative about people or our church members for the next seven days. This is a challenging assignment because we live in a world conditioned to focus on the negative things and social media is all about pointing out the flaws in people!!!

We will never be the Christians God has called us to be if we don’t apply life application of the Word of God and put into practice what we are learning. I pray you select an accountability partner that will help you complete this assignment over the next seven days and hold you accountable to be a better man or woman of God. I hope you enjoy the attached power point presentation and more importantly, allow it to become a significant part of your personal devotional study time with God. Be honest with God and people if you fall short this week. Just keep doing your best and be intentional about improving your walk with God. You will be amazed how much you will grow in a few short months if you keep practicing life application with the Word of God.

Grace & Shalom!!

Pastor Perry

(09-20-17) Worship The Importance of Healthy Relationships

Rick ZimmermanThe Importance of Healthy Relationships
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