Series: Fellowship | Dear Central Members & Friends,
I pray you are truly praying daily and asking God to increase your spiritual influence within your home and community so when people and family members encounter you they want to fellowship with you!! Our ability to influence people to make a commitment to Christ and enjoy a pleasant time with us will be directly related to how we apply what we are learning from this current study on our “Fellowship Cornerstone.”
I pray you are spending quality prayer time with God and asking Him like I am to help make me a blessing to other people in such a way that when they encounter me they see the “light of Christ in Me” and therefore in some small way it impacts their behavior and influence them to want to get to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!
This will not be possible if we don’t take the time to fellowship both with believers and non-believers with a desire to help them find Jesus or if they already know Him improve their spiritual walk.
I decided that it was vitally important for you not only acquire the PowerPoint presentation from Part III of the series I taught on fellowship but to include my sermon notes as well for your personal study on fellowship and also for you to utilize in a small study growth as well with individuals or your family members.
I pray you will find the attached word document sermon notes and PowerPoint presentation helpful.
Let’s continue to “grow together and fellowship together.”
Grace & Shalom!!
Pastor Perry Stuckey
Sermon Notes- Fellowship Part 3
Fellowship Series Part III