Modeling Grace part 3 – Philippians 4:8

Dear Members and Friends of Central,

As we are now approaching lesson 3 of my “sermon series on modeling grace” I pray that you are truly engaged in asking God what you can personally do to be a better person and working each day to model grace to our membership and others you come into contact with. God does not want us to hear the Word of God and turn around in our daily lives and conduct ourselves in a manner that is contrary to the word of God. Life is not easy and filled with many challenges. However, God is pleased with us when we take what we learn in each sermon and do our best to live out the sermon in our interactions with other church members and people we come into contact with on a daily basis within our local community.

Often I find that we can’t see our own shortcomings and unintentionally we are a lot harder on the behavior and conduct of other people than we are on ourselves and our family members. A great way for us to model grace is to see people through the eyes of Jesus. Consider this  thought for just a moment, if Jesus gave all of us what we deserved we would all be condemned to hell!!!

I am extremely grateful for a God who looked beyond our faults to see our needs and sent his son to reconcile us back to himself!!! As we  prepare for Sunday and approach the third message in my series on modeling grace ask God to help you see people through the eyes of Jesus and focus  the remainder of this week on the below scripture found in Phillippians 4:8.

I can’t wait to see you on Sunday and I am praying that you will join me for the remainder of this week trying to model grace in a way that would please our Heavenly Father.

Your Brother In Christ!!

Pastor Perry Stuckey

andreaModeling Grace part 3 – Philippians 4:8